$value) { // assign to temporary variable and strip whitespace if not an array $temp = is_array($value) ? $value : trim($value); // if empty and required, add to $missing array if (empty($temp) && in_array($key, $required)) { array_push($missing, $key); } // otherwise, assign to a variable of the same name as $key elseif (in_array($key, $expected)) { ${$key} = $temp; } } // go ahead only if all required fields OK if (empty($missing)) { // build the message $message = "Name: $first_name $last_name\n\n"; $message .= "Email: $email\n\n"; $message .= "Comments: $comments"; // limit line length to 70 characters $message = wordwrap($message, 70); // send it $mailSent = mail($to, $subject, $message); if ($mailSent) { // $missing is no longer needed if the email is sent, so unset it unset($missing); } } } ?>
M16 M16 M16


Don and Maria

Loading up for the junge

Mike enjoying the ride

View From The Deck of Our Cabin

Morning Service

Mike Teaching

The Balloons Were A Hit

Too Cute
The Duck Song

Two Young Boys
Returning Home From School

Mike and The Kids
Lady Dancing After Being healed of Crippled Feet

Pastor Calvin

A Look Inside Our Cabin


Black Water Lake

Students Praying To
Receive Chirst

Just After The Boys
Received Jesus!

Mike Prophesying

Pastor Deo

Mark And Prima Ministering To A Hindu Woman

Time to get our fish on

Wayne and Don

Wayne Cutting Us Some
Fishing Poles

Mike Fishing Guyana Style

I Went With The
Fiberglass Pole


The Happy Couple

The House Was Packed
For Morning Service

Christopher Singing
On Sunday Morning

Sunday Celebration
With The Kids

Nothing Like Candy To
Put A Smile On Your

Kelly-She Is A Doll.JPG


Guyana Journal: September 26, 2009-October 5, 2009
Mark Neitz-
Why Not Now Ministries
Mike Norton-M16 Ministries
Jason Amarant-Lions Pride Ministries

This is a reprint from Mark Neitz Why Not Now Ministries web site. However, I am injecting my own comments and testimonies into Mark's journal. When Mark and I initially sat down to write this journal when we got back from Guyana, it was 11 pages long! We took both of our journals and merged together to form this journal. Mark then worked another 7 hours to condence our journals into this journal. Mark and I commented from our own experience on how we now understood where Matthew, Mark and John witnessed miracles and testified in slightly different perspectives on the same miracles. We now understand why. The miracles speak to each individual in different ways. It has to! So I am leaving Mark's compiled journal slightly the same but I am injecting my testimonies <in white italics to emphasize my testimony> of the miracles Jesus graciously allowed us to be a part of in Guyana and the testimony of our incredible mission trip to Guyana.

Saturday 9/26
After about thirty hours of travel from take off in SFO to landing in Guyana it was off to Don and Maria Whitney’s where we would stay for most of our time in Guyana. Don and Maria live in a little town called Better Hope about four hours by car and boat from the airport.

<some of you may know Maria Whitney as Maria Fifer, of Fremont Christian School. She is now a missionary in Guyana. You travel all to distant countries to bump into people from your neighborhood.>

The boat ride there was very rough. Don said it was one the worst he’d been on. It was so bumpy Mark though at one point he had cracked a tooth. It’s about a forty-five minute ride in a little boat with about sixteen people.
Once we arrived at the house it was nap time! We got some much needed rest and prepared for an early morning departure into the jungle the following day.

Sunday 9/27
At 7am we were off on a two and a half hour boat ride into the interior jungle to minister for four days to the Amerindians. We had a 10am service scheduled at the church in a village called Cloud Land. The ride began on the Maruca River then onto the Pomeroon River. From there we crossed the Atlantic Ocean and finally we went inland on the Imacabra River. Keep in mind we are on a little boat, very humid, getting wet from the water splashing over and wearing our Sunday best. We absolutely loved it! Don said in one of his last emails before we left,” I hope you like adventure.” In our minds this was a great start to a very adventurous ten days.

Once we arrived we took a fairly long walk from the river up a hill to the village. We arrived and put all our luggage in our cabin and immediately prepared for service.

<this was like a safari adventure. I was the pack mule, from the boat dock to the church, that lugged the large suitcase with our food in it for 3 days. It was hot and humid. And being the mule it was the longest hottest quarter of mile I had ever walked. I am in decent shape>

Mark ministered in the morning service and spoke to the folks about their identity in Christ and what it meant to be a son and daughter of Father. Mike and I both ministered prophetic words to some folks and laid the ground work for what would be a great four days in the jungle. During the altar call there were about twenty-five people that prayed to receive Jesus.

During the afternoon we gathered all the children from Cloud Land and the surrounding villages for an event. Morgan Bigelow, who runs the City Kidz program for City Ministries International, provided us with curriculum for the children. Instead of calling it City Kidz we called it Jungle Kidz. They all loved it although it took a bit to get used to as they don’t refer to children as kids. To them kids are baby goats! But once we got on the same page it was great. We did an illustrated story and taught the kids a bible verse. They were quick learners and we all had a blast.

Mike ministered at the evening service. He spoke a powerful message on the revelation of belivers as spiritual beings and seeing life from a Kingdom perspective. The Holy Spirit was moving as he spoke and as he finished we went right into ministry time. Several people were delivered from various issues like depression, abuse, witchcraft and others. Many were healed including a women who had a pain like a bone stuck in her stomach, a man with ringing in ears, another man with stomach issues, a woman with pain in her legs and several people with headaches.

Mike saw three of the local pastors and leaders pray for a pastor that had traveled with us from the main land. The pastor had jungle fever or possible malaria and was extremely sick. They prayed fervently for him and a few hours later he was healed. Mike said he watched intently and took copious notes to gain insight.

<this was incredible. We finished our Sunday night service and I returned to our sleeping quarters. Pastor Calvin, Pastor Gregg and Derrick Henry, were praying over Pastor Paul -who rode in with us from Charity. Pastor Paul said he hadn't had a relapse of Malaria in years. He said it was a spiritual attack. I was apprehensive of stepping into the quarters with Pastor Paul having a fever. Especially, Malaria. I am a germophobe -who is into healing -go figure. I heard God's still voice tell me to go in and pray with the brothers -and LEARN!!! There was an impartation in there I know it. These guys prayed over the sick like we pray for casting out evil spirits. In fact, they were casting out the spirit of sickness. It was an incredible battle to be a part of. Pastor Paul woke up several hours later and vomitted out the sickness. The next morning you couldn't tell he was ever sick. As my brothers taught me - Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!>

Monday 9/28
During the morning we had a session with the men lead by Don and his wife, Maria, held a session with the ladies of the village. During our session we prayed for all that hadn’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit and all received. Maria taught the ladies on the fruit of the Spirit.

<During the men's session we prayed for several men who wanted baptism in the Holy Spirit. One gentleman, who had the gift of faith for praying in healing thought he could have only one gift. He didn't know he could have it ALL. The Father loves to shower us in abundance. Jason and I prayed with him and baptised him in the Holy Spirit. Augustus was praying in tongues in a matter of minutes.>

Afternoon was loving on the children. They are so sweet and lively. Many suffer abuse and incest is an issue here because families can be large and their homes consist of one room due to the severe poverty. Maria was telling us of one man that dreamed of having a home with separate rooms for the boys and girls and a room for him and his wife. It’s these revelations that can be very sobering in the midst of all the awesome things we experienced. So, we made the most of our time with the children. Playing games, singing songs and telling bible stories. One of the most incredible facts about these children is their commitment to education. The kids in Cloud Land travel over a great distance of piranaha infested water by little canoes to school each day. The school is two and a half hours down river. It’s not at all uncommon for nine year olds and even younger to paddle the younger ones to school.

Pastor Paul, who had been healed of jungle fever preached in the evening. The ministry time was electric. Words of knowledge, deliverances and one healing that really stood out was a little old lady who came crippled in her feet. Jason, Mike and Maria prayed for her and she was completely healed. From then on she would dance all through the church giving praise and worship to the Lord.

<being a part of healing prayer team for this woman was an incredible experience for me. It's an eye opener in the power of the Holy Spirit and that God is the same always. He transcends time and geographic location. At home I attend a lot of Spirit filled churches and events. Seeing people drunk in the Spirit is common. I have never been drunk in the Spirit so at times I wonder if people fake it. Well, this Amer Indian woman was dancing with joy for her healing. Then Maria, Jason and I watched her get drunk in the Spirit. I eventually had to keep an eye on her and then take her to be seated. She got whacked!!!! This helped me understand and take back with me what I see back home. Hey, if I wasn't changed by any of this what good was the mission?

Jason, Maira and I also prayed for a women in torment. Maria and Jason were praying for her. When I walked by I noticed a physical demonic manifestation on the woman's lips. The demon was pretending to pray in tongues to avoid being detected. Holy Spirit provided insite on that one and it was BUSTED!!! I commanded the false praying to be bound. Then the manifestation moved to her hands.Binding the hands it moved to her legs and they started shaking. Since I came in mid-praying for the woman I asked what she needed prayer for. She said she was blind. It didn't take much to figure out the enemy was responsible for the blindness. Jason and I started ordering the spirits out of the woman and she started coughing them out. Word of Knoweldge indicated these were spirits of witchcraft. The woman told me her mother was a witch. An interesting fact too was that the woman knew of the spirits inside of her. Only she didn't know how to get rid of them. This woman was an incredible Godly woman too. It got late and service was ending so we shutdown the prayer with this woman to resume later. >

Tuesday 9/29
Mark led the morning men’s session training them in the Word and talk to them about Faith. We prayed for a man, Augustus, that suffered from a bad back, hurt legs and arthritis and he was healed. Mike recorded the testimony of an Amerindian that had prayed for a women with Aids and was healed. After that, several of the men talk with Mike about dreams they had had. Mike has done training on dream interpretation and helped bring understanding.

< of all the places to expect dream interpretation training to pay off -the middle of a South American jungle? I loved the pureness of these Godly dreams too. Pastor Calvin shared with me his dream, "I remember this one dream where a man handed me a used Bible. Who was this man and why was it a used Bible? How come I remember this dream so vividly?" I asked Pastor Calvin if he knew who the man was. He said he thought it was Jesus. I confirmed to him that I believe it was. And the used Bible was an existing ministry being handed over to him. As it turned out. Pastor Calvin was handed the Cloud Land ministry from Pastor Gregg sometime after he had the dream. They were all incredible dreams from God. I am glad it was pure enough for John Paul Jackson student 201-er to handle them. When I return I would like to teach simple dream interpretation to these men. Some pastors in Guayana are illiterate but that doesn't stop God from sharing His word with them.>

We spent the afternoon with Pastor Calvin, the pastor of the church and one of his leaders, Derrick. They took us on a boat ride through the jungle looking for Howler Monkeys. We saw several and they are beautiful creatures. The interior is absolutely gorgeous. The rainforest, savannas and all the wildlife is really breath taking.

<9 inch long tarantulas in our quarters. A snake living in our rafters -we never saw. Bat's in the out house hole. Nuff said. >

Don preached in the evening service. We had a great time of ministry. More healings, deliverances and many prophetic words that were setting people free.

<resumed praying for the blind woman. Jason and I went at it this time. We knew full well the demons were behind her blindness. God provided some interesting prophetic word on the situation. That this woman is a seer and an intercessor. The blindness is an evil attack metaphor to her seeing in the spirit realm. I shared with the woman what God shared with me. She told me it was true. She was a seer and an intercessor. God wakes her up at 2:00 nearly every morning and she goes to intercession at that time. God has warned her about things that wil happen to her family during these times. And she has been successful at times in warning people. Recently, she tried to warn her sister of an attack by witchcraft. That day she couldn't get a hold of her sister. Her sister stepped on a poisonous scorpion that afternoon and was stung.

Jason and I evicted more spirits and broke the stronghold on the woman. But we didn't see the miracle of her eye site restored. I do believe in freeing this woman, we showed her how to free others of demonic oppression through the prayer and the healing by the Holy Spirit. I found out in my ministry that the tormented somehow know each other and go together looking for ways to be healed. I am certain there will be testimony here when we return by this woman.>

Wednesday 9/30
We had the best 5am wake up call I have ever experienced. Pastor Paul woke us up as he sang a prayer over us of blessing and protection for our journey back to Better Hope. I wish I could have recorded it.

<incredible morning prayer. Just imagine if Charlton Heston's Moses movie opened in prayer. This prayer suitable for an epic movie of God. Best of my recollection it went something like this. Just imagine a man, lying in his sleeping bag. Just woke up and praying this first thing. It's not the entire prayer. Just a piece of what I remembered...

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Holy Ghost go before us!

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Holy Ghost go before us on our journey back down the river. Cover us in the Blood of Christ as we journey home.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!>>

Final Thoughts On Interior
This portion of the journal wouldn’t be complete unless I describe our living arrangements while in the interior. The three of us along with the other men that came with us stayed in a one room cabin and the women stayed in another. Mike, Jason and I slept on old mattresses on the floor. The mattresses had creepy crawling things in them but we brought sheets to cover them. We had mosquito nets that we tucked in tight under the mattress to keep the spiders, mosquitoes and rodents out. We did see a tarantula right out side our room that was about nine inches in diameter. And a lady told us on the last night there that indeed a snake lived in the ceiling of our cabin. We would wake up in the morning to see rat dropping beside our beds. Oh, and the out houses were full of bats so you would have to kick it before you went inside to coax them out first. I say this just incase any of you thought this was a 5 star vacation! What’s my point? There are costs to preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the Earth but it’s worth every bit of it.

The natives were wonderful hosts and very gracious. Maria did the cooking for us and it all tasted wonderful. I’ve never had Vienna wieners that tasted so good.

After we arrived back at Better Hope we traveled to a black lake resort for some R & R. It was a nice afternoon and our driver Rashad took us on a tour of the area on our way back. We saw lots of alligators in the creeks and tasted some interesting fruits along the way.

Thursday 10/1
This was a big day. We had a three hour car and boat ride to a village called Grove towards the capitol, Georgetown, where we had an evening service at Rhema Cornerstone Church. On the way we had an appointment to speak at a public secondary school called Dartmouth. The students at the school range in age from eleven years to twenty years old. When we arrived we met with the Head Master, Phillip, and he filled us in a little on the students. There are five-hundred thirty-one students in the school and they come from many different back grounds. They come from many different faiths including Christian, Muslim and Hindu. The Head Master is a Christian so he gave us free reign to bring the Gospel to the youth. I greeted the students and then introduced Jason to speak to them. He began to talk about his life and what Jesus had done for him. He told of the struggles and challenges he had faced and how Christ had set him free. He then began to tell the kids the Gospel. He described Jesus and what He went though so that we could be forgiven of our sins. He talked about the Cross and the cat of nine tails that was used to whip Jesus. At that point the entire student body, all five-hundred thirty-one of them set up at attention. As he finished he asked who would like to pray to receive Christ in their life. Over fifty students raised their hands. I don’t know fore sure how many were Muslim or Hindu but I know at least some were. After they prayed and were dismissed we were able to hang out with the students for a few minutes. The kids crowded around all of us wanting to shake our hands and say hello but Jason was a rock star. They all wanted to talk to him. A group of young boys between eleven and fourteen began to talk to him. One boy named Mark who was thirteen and a Muslim began to ask him questions. He was trying to get his mind around a God that forgave sin. He just couldn’t quite understand. Jason would explain it and the boy would walk away and contemplate it then come back and ask some more questions. He said that Allah didn’t forget any sins and in fact would write them all down. After a while of talking, Mark and a group of about nine other boys I presume were Muslim as well, asked Jason to lead them in a prayer to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. THANK YOU, JESUS!

We headed to Grove for the evening service and arrived right on time. Pastor Rodwell and his wife Grace have a powerful anointing. Grace lead worship and she brought it. The presence of the King was thick in the place. Before I spoke both Jason and Mike gave a word. Mike began to prophesy over Grace and the church. Declaring to Grace that her voice pierced the Second Heaven. He also saw cloaked angels with candles entering and exiting the church. I saw them as well and saw that they were strategic in going undetected in to the darkness and exploiting were the enemy was attempting to set up camp. The candles I saw as representing healing to the people of that area. So many crazy prophetic things took place that night. Tremendous ministry time and again many were saved.

< Grove has got to be another highlite on my trip. The prophetic volume knob was turned to 10 in the Rhema Cornerstone church. In my ministry I have encountered intercessors, prayer warriors and worshippers. This is the first time I encountered a worship warrior. I didn't even know there was such a thing. Sister Grace is that person in the kingdom. This was an all black church and it was small -but powerful in worshipping. While Grace was ministering in leading worship, I saw the form second heaven above her. It was a dark cloudy mass. I thought that was odd. Then I saw a glow of light come down through the dark clouds. It was a small army of angels making a hole in the darkness above Grace. The angels formed a ring and held back the opening they created so Grace's voice, coming out of her mouth like a beam of light, could pierce through the darkness of the second heaven. This was an incredible vision of psalm 149.

I had a word too, during this time that I was supposed to tell Grace that she has been in the throne room.

Now as I am trying to make sense of this. I look at the back walls of the church and there are 2 rows of angels, with hoods or shrouds, covering their faces and their each holding candles, walking through the walls on both sides of the pulpits. I could see them lined up beyind the walls as they entered the church. Some angels walked out the doors on both sides of the church and some angels walked right down the isle past the congregation and out the wall behind us. Very cool!!! It's always great to see the good guys every once in a while.

I gave the prophetic word to Grace that she sees spirits. Which was correct. But I supposed to tell her that she has been in the throne room. So I messed up on the obedience part.

Great prophetic words during service. One young girl asked me when I was ministering to her,"How do you know these things?" It was fun!

After the service we proceeded to Pastor Rodwell and Grace's house. They put us up for the night.

Grace made us dinner. It was late in the evening. Around ten o'clock. When we finished eating I was tired and ready for bed. God told me to go tell Sister Grace that she has been in the throne room. So I figured I better go do that and be obedient to the Father.

I stepped into the kitchen and reminded Grace about the vision I told her about earlier of the second heaven. And I told her that I never met a worship warrior before. She raised an eyebrow at me. Then I mustered the nerve to tell Grace that she had been in the second heaven. That got Grace's attention and she stopped what she was doing at the sink and said, "Let's go talk on the porch."

I sat outside with Grace for a while and found out she has lots of prophetic visions and has been in the throne room. I found out Grace was skeptical of missionaries because they come a fake prophetic word in her church. And that annoys her. I got the messages dead on and got her attention.

We talked for sometime and it turns out Sister Grace and Pastor Rodwell have a deliverance ministry like Lisa and I. It was a time to openly share deliverance stories in a way that is safe. Because we understand each other when we discuss epic battles in defense of our own home that other people won't understand. We talked until 1:30 PM in the morning. Pastor Rodwell added to my treasure trove of dreams too.>

Friday 10/2
A three hour trip back to Charity, the main village near Don and Maria's home in Better Hope and it was time to prepare for a Night Strike. We bought several packages of individual packs of cookies and put them in plastic grocery bags. That Night we went to Pastor Deo’s church in Charity. Pastor Deo is an amazing man of God. He is young I believe. Maybe in his thirties. He was raised Muslim but at fifteen years old he gave his life to Christ. Since his parents disowned him he had to do anything he could to survive. He would feed dogs to make a little money and would have to eat the dog food himself to survive. He said every time he would go over to the corner to eat the dog food, he would always give thanks to God for it. Never once did he ever complain. He has planted churches in other areas and does so by going to a village by himself and integrating into the culture. He sleeps on the ground, eats garbage or nothing at all and does what ever necessary to become excepted. Then he starts a new work there. Mind you he has no education and teaches himself to read and write. In our time there with him, I got the picture of a young Moses.

So, at the church we met with Pastor Deo and about twenty folks from his church plus several children. We did a short training on ministering on the streets and then we were off. Mike, Jason and I all lead our own team and walked down the main street to the disco and the boat docks.. This was where all the night life in the area took place. Again, so many things took place this night but I will highlight a few. My team met a man sitting on the side of the road selling some food from a metal pot to passers by. His name was Christopher and he was from the island of Trinidad. I asked if I could pray for him and he said, ”Yes.” As I prayed God began to reveal things about his past to me. Some of the things I saw was that he was a musician and worshipper but had fallen away. I told him God missed his worship. When I was done I asked if it made sense and he shook his head,
”Yes”. Later I found out that as we left he went to get his wife and told her that a man had told him everything he had done. This made her curious and as we walked back by on our way back to the church, Mike and his team were with us. Mike, not knowing what had taken place earlier saw Christopher’s wife and asked her if he could pray. She suffered from depression. As Mike prayed, I watched as he took this thing off of her. Not physically where she could feel it but as he did this huge smile came on her face and she was free. As this was all going on, Christopher found Pastor Deo and relayed the story of the night to him. He told the pastor that from now on he was going to his church and in fact would be there on Sunday and asked if he could sing a song.

Jason’s team stopped at a school. It was late at night but all these children were out playing in the school yard. We found out that they were from deep in the interior and it is too expensive for them to travel back and forth so they stay all year at the school and don’t go home to see their families until March. Understand these are little kids like in elementary school. It is amazing what they go through so that they have a better chance at success in their lives. Jason and the team were thronged by the kids all wanting prayer.

Mike had several prophetic encounters and saw many get set free and healed. I remember the first girl I ran into on this night. She was walking alone in the dark. As I approached her I could tell she was scared and hurting. She had been abused and I could tell was suicidal. As we talked she knew that this was a divine intervention and God was extending His mercy to her. She received Jesus and His peace came over her.

< What an incredible equipping experience this was! I had the privilege of taking Pastor Deo and about 4 woman into a drug torn neighborhood. Pastor Deo was trying to witness to people that didn't want to hear the word. Sounds a lot like our own home turf in SF. Right when Pastor Deo was getting a little frustrated, I let the prophetic take over and started having some conversations with people I didn't know yet talked to them about things they knew. I love this part of ministry. The prophetic light bulb was going on with my team and they knew they needed this. As the night carried on I stepped back and let the woman work in the prophetic. They were getting a taste of it. One young woman was getting prophetic words but there was some spiritual or soulish hold up. Because I saw her receive word over a woman she was praying for. God woke me up early Sunday AM to tell me that Julie Anne needed baptism of the Holy Spirit. So I wrote that down and put the note in my Bible for Sunday.>>

Saturday 10/3
Another great day! How many of you know, like Bob Johnson says, you can preach to the masses or take your son fishing... As long as you're obeying both are just as important to Father. Well, I didn't get to take my son fishing today but Mike, Jason and I were blessed to go this morning. We took a little boat up the river and spent the morning with Don and our guide Wayne. Wayne is a student in a local bible school and lives up the river. We had a great time and caught a total of thirteen fish. They have never heard of bobbers here so I brought a few slide bobbers down and introduced them to Wayne.

This afternoon we were invited to an engagement party. Here when a couple get engaged they throw a party. It was a couple from Pastor Deo's church where we will be ministering tomorrow. We had a great time and Don and Maria brought a great word for the couple as well as everyone else in attendance. We were able to visit and get to know better the folks from Pastor Deo's church that went out on the Night Strike with us last night. Since I had my camera I became the official photographer. There's a first for everything but I don't think I will be photographing weddings anytime soon.

When we arrived back at Don and Maria’s we realized we were out of water at the house. No showers and with the humidity as high as it is on the Equator this is not a good thing. Especially since we have church the next morning. We prayed and asked for a miracle… God is faithful.

Sunday 10/4

When we woke up this morning the four water tanks were full and over flowing. Thank You, Jesus! A Miracle!

Both services were at Pastor Deo’s in Charity. The morning service was packed. The church is a little cement building about 20’ x 24’. It probably maxed out at one-hundred people. There were about one-hundred seventy five people there including children. I had a three foot are to stand and preach. People were literally on every side of me. I think it was 90* ands 90% humidity. I have never sweated so much in my life. I really don’t know how I was able to stand. I felt like I was under water in a heated pool speaking. They sing a song in Guyana called “Soaking Wet.” Let’s just say it’s very appropriate.

It was an awesome service. Five of the people we met on Night Strike came and gave their lives to God. Christopher was one of them and he indeed did sing a gospel reggae song. Many others received Christ as well.

< This was amazing! 5 people we ministered to on Night Strike came to church and gave there lives over to Jesus. One woman, Diane, whom Julie Anne, myself and a couple of other ladies on the team laid hands on her Friday at Night Strike. Diane had a bad headache and a bad back ache. Diane said the prayers for healing took her pains away.

Also on Sunday, Julie Anne stepped up for prayer. I was praying over other people. Maria Whitney was praying for Julie Anne. When I was done ministering I made my way over to Maria and asked her what Julie Anne was being prayed over for. Maria said Julie Anne asked to be baptised in the Holy Spirit. I showed Julie Anne my note I wrote down about her needing the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It was very cool prayer time. I gave Julie Anne my Bible. This was the second Bible I gave away I was using. My first Bible, my Walmart large print NKJV went to Pastor Paul. >

After the morning service we gathered all the children and sang songs with them. We then distributed all the Bible story books. We made sure each child received one. We gave out lots of candy but were sure to also give dental kits donated by William Tom and Power of One Dental Program. For the adults we handed out many pairs of reading glasses and some bibles and scripture books. The folks were all so appreciative. ***THANKS TO ALL OF YOU THAT INVESTED IN THESE ITEMS FOR THE PEOPLE OF GUYANA!!!***

In the afternoon we along with about forty people from the church celebrated Maria’s birthday. They know how to party. It was like a karaoke party Guyanese style.

Evening service was no exception. Mike and Jason began by reading peoples mail and calling out stuff. People were getting set free right from the get go. Service rocked and we laid hands on every person in attendance and the Glory was thick in the place. It was so wild that I found out later Pastor Deo was actually arrested the following Tuesday for the noise and had to spend four hours in jail. I owe him one.

Before the service we found out that the Head Master from the school we ministered at had asked for financial help to get to the night service. It cost fifteen dollars American for him and his family to get transportation there. We were able to help and he indeed came and brought his family. This was key because Mike had the opportunity to minister to him personally and bring some freedom in a key area of his life. With the help of our partners we were able to sow into all the Pastors we worked with. They are so poor financially that this was a huge blessing to them. They work so hard and give so much to Sheppard their flocks. It was such a privilege to minister in their churches.

< This was an incredible night of worship. So incredible, the local Hindu population called the police and had Pastor Deo spend time in jail for 4 hours for disturbing the peace. Hah! Annoyed a few demons did we? Probably a little miffed about the 5 people who gave their lives to Jesus. And the others who have not given their hearts in the dark streets of Charity but one day will with a Night Strike encounter by Pastor Deo, Julie Anne and the growing congregation of Healing hands!>

Monday 10/5
Don took us across the river to Parika in the morning. Parika is the main village at the boat dock. We stayed at the YWAM base since we had to head for the airport at 2:30 am. We did have time to go with some of the staff to the Guy-Expo. Kind of a Home and Garden Show event. We had a good time and were able to debrief a bit on the trip. Once we arrived back at the YWAM base it was hurry up and wait until our taxi arrived. One last chance for the mosquitoes to feast on us and Jason nearly got attacked by some stray dogs. I must say the one thing we all decided we wouldn't miss was the countless mosquito and bug bites. While there you start to get used to them but the closer you get to going home the thought of life with out bug spray and DEET begins to sound very appealing.
Tuesday 10/6
The flights home went with out a hitch. All on time an
d great seats.

Final Thoughts
I hope this gives you a little insight into our experiences. So many more things took place but there is just not enough time to write it. You’ll just have to go and experience it yourself. We have more trips in the works and would love to take you along. Let me know if you are interested and I would be glad to fill you in on the details.

Our goal in 2010 is to provide clean safe drinking water to TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE per DAY for life on the Amazon River and in the Rainforest of South America. Sound exciting? The thought of children that right now have no safe water to drink. We can and will make a difference. All that we have done in 2009 is leading us up to meeting this challenge. The contacts and connections are being set and we will see even more amazing things in this next year. Water filtration meets a very practical need which in turn gives us access to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom in all It's dominion and power to people in other parts of the World.

Thank you for your commitment to pray for us, give of your finances and tell all your friends about us. Together we are changing eternity.

We’re Blessed,
Mark Neitz

Myself, Jason and Mike

Maruca River

On Our Way To The Interior

Our Cabin In The Interior

Jason and I Teaching the Kids New Songs

Jungle Kidz


Hannah and friends

They Weren't Camera Shy

Over An Hour Each Way By Canoe To And From School
Testimony of Aids healing

Howler Monkeys

Savanna in Cloud Land

The Church In Cloud Land

Too Fun

Jason Speaking

Jason Praying With Mark
And The Others

Grace Piercing The

Jason Testifying Of What
The Lord Had Done

Getting My Preach On. Boy Was It Hot There!

Ministering At Night Strike

Christopher And Me

Mike And His Team
Praying For Chirstopher's

Headin' To The
Fishin' Hole

Introducing Bobbers
To Guyana

What's With The Beanie

We Caught Mostly
Sun Fish

That Photographer Is Good

Getting His Pose On

Soaking Wet

Altar Call

They Were So Excited

We Handed Out Bible Story Books To Every Child

From All Of Them To All
Of You Who Gave...


More Pictures

They Loved The Glasses.
Did I mention it was Hot.
Dental Kits To Give Away
Thank You Power Of One Dental
She Cleaned Up
So Grateful
It Was A Party For Maria's Birthday.

imgMaria And Don
Getting Their Groove On

God Moved Powerfully In The Night Service.
We saw these Macaws
on our last day there

. .

Copyright © Mark Neitz Ministries 2009

copyright M16 Ministries